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Discover the meaning of prevention in adult social care and access resources to support the implementation of preventive practices in your service or workforce planning strategies.

 found that adult social care employers define prevention in four main areas:

  • Supporting people to live as healthily as possible, both mentally and physically.
  • Reducing the use of health services, including primary care, emergency services and hospitals.
  • Preventing or reducing the escalation of health issues.
  • Supporting people to remain as independent as possible.

Prevention should be embedded within the every day delivery of high-quality adult social care. It is not a standalone task or activity. It includes monitoring and tracking the physical and mental health of people accessing care and support, supporting and advising them with diet, nutrition and exercise. It also means developing close working relationships with staff in related sectors and supporting care staff with their own mental health and wellbeing.

A ) found that investing in preventative care can save more than £3 for every pound spent.

Prevention is one of the key responsibilities for local authorities in the  with a focus on health and wellbeing. Local systems have a responsibility for an integrated approach to prevention and wellbeing to respond and support their local population.  

Watch our video to hear from real people drawing on care and support, and people working in a range of jobs in adult social care about how working preventatively can save people from getting ill, having accidents, and needing more support. 

Duration 11 mins 17 secs


Resources and guidance for preventive support


PDF - 4.15 MB
Read our short guide which explains the contribution and value that social care makes to prevention, public health and health promotion, to support the health and wellbeing of people drawing on care and support.
PDF - 8.44 Mb
Download the easy read version of our short guide which explains the contribution and value that social care makes to prevention.


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Find the RESTORE2 Mini for carers tool, which helps you to find out if the person you’re supporting is feeling unwell.

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Ten public health tips elearning module

Learn about our prevention elearning module designed to help people working in social care build on the knowledge they already have in this area.