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People drawing on care support have a wide and varied range of different needs and many roles require specialist knowledge and skills to ensure workers can provide high quality care and support.
Use the A-Z to find the care topics relevant to you and explore the available tools and resources to support learning and development.
Activity provision
End of life care
Mental health
Transforming care
Oral health
The Oliver McGowan Mandatory Training on Learning Disability and Autism
Spotting the signs when a person becomes unwell
Supporting people with challenging or distressed behaviour
Do Not Attempt Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (DNACPR)
Person-centred approaches in health and care
Infection prevention and control
Learning from accidents and events digital module
Culturally Appropriate Care
Mental Capacity Act
Leadership skills
Supporting people with everyday technology
Learning disability
Equality, diversity and inclusivity
Working with families
Pressure ulcers
Modern slavery
Supporting personal relationships
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