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East London Community College

At East London Community College, we have big future goals and a clear vision to lead the region and the country. We intend to be a leading supplier of flexible, affordable, career-relevant higher education as our educational facilities expand. We approach learning professionally, and it is critical that you be satisfied with the courses you study with us. We work to uphold our values by encouraging the following: 鈥igh-quality education 鈥quality of opportunity and inclusion 鈥nowledge and skill sharing 鈥espectful educational environments 鈥sing our resources effectively to benefit our students 鈥ssisting one another and our environment 鈥ncouraging passionate, self-directed thinkers and learners committed to personal growth 鈥sing cutting-edge technology to enhance instruction and prepare students for life-long success

This provider offers courses in: Accredited qualifications

Region: London

Level of endorsement: Endorsed

Email: info@elccollege.co.uk

Telephone: 02035970031

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